Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Only 2 more weeks!!!!

Sweet Sadie Rose...we get to meet you in less than 2 weeks!

I am currently 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and everything is looking great. Praise the Lord! Unfortunately, no real signs of labor happening anytime soon. No dilation or effacement, and absolutely no contractions. This was the same story with Maggie's pregnancy, too. Except we went 8 days past our due date before inducing. It seems my body is just not one that likes to go into labor on its own.

Like mother, like daughter...for sure. My mom was induced as well with all 3 of us. My doctor as well as myself feel pretty certain that we will make it to our induction date, which is Sadie's due date of Monday June 28th.

I am honestly pretty excited about an induction. I had a great experience with it with Maggie. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a huge fan of surprises either. So a calm, planned, predictable induction where I can have all my plans made, bags packed and ducks in a row...sounds perfect to me!

We would so appreciate any and all prayers for our upcoming labor and delivery. Specifically, that sweet Sadie will be strong and healthy. We have no fear that she will be big...at my 36 week appointment she measured 6 lbs. 12 oz. Babies gain anywhere from 8 oz to 1 pound per week of pregnancy in the last month...so you do the math. We are expecting her to be a solid 8.5 to 9.5 pounder! Good thing I love chunky babies!!!! Ha!

Love to all and have a blessed week!

38 weeks!


Brent and Abbey said...

Whooo Hoo!!! She looks DONE to me! You have had such a great attitude all the way through... now it is time to get your reward for being a good girl!

Candice said...

Aren't you adorable! I hope and pray for a fast two weeks! :) Enjoy your 'only' for just a little longer! I do really believe that little Sadie is the best gift you can give to Maggie, though!

Sarah said...

You're on the home stretch, Mama! Not much longer at all! You are the best little preggo ever! I cannot believe that you are still going strong and staying so busy at this point in your pregnancy, and never complaining even one little bit. You amaze me!

Sadie will be P-E-R-F-E-C-T! I can't wait to meet that sweet little bundle. :)

Becca said...

Leah you look beautiful!! I can't wait to meet Sadie! I love you!

Melissa said...

I am so excited to meet Ms. Sadie. She's sure to be a beautiful baby! :)

Lindsay said...

Leah, you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait to meet our new niece/cousin, Baby Sadie!! I'm so excited! Love you, Sister!