Thursday, December 5, 2013

A day at the Wildlife Ranch...

We recently visited Sharkarosa Wildlife Ranch in Pilot Point, Texas. Todd had seen a Groupon for a family 4 pack for $20 and bought it not knowing much about the place. He just knew that his animal loving offspring would likely enjoy it. Boy was he right!!!

We had a great time. It is a large ranch, but its patrons get to enjoy upclose and personal encounters. All the animals were super friendly and calm. We easily got to touch, feed and meet many of them. We will definitely visit again! 
We met the zebras...
A sloth...

Some sweet white tail deer...

Sleepy kangaroos...
Some sweet domestic animals in their "petting zoo" area...

Pot bellie pigs are soooo cute!

Lots of ring tailed Lemurs...

Both the girls got to meet a Lemur up close. 

Precious sisters!
So blessed we ARE!!!

What is this, might you wonder??? A Zorse, of course. A mix of a zebra and horse!

Beautiful Clydesdale horse...

Now those are some big feet!

They took us on a trailer ride with feeding buckets thru their acreage to meet the horses, camels and some exotics.
Sweet Reindeer couple...wondering where the snow is?
Pregnant zebra...that was due "any day"! Poor girl!
Friendly camels...
Even one with blue eyes...

Black bear...

Kangaroos, awake.
We even got our very own personal cobra show, meeting Cobie the Albino cobra. They weren't out on display because they evidently don't like the cold. It was a cool day, that day. But when Todd asked about them, they got them out just for us!

It was a super fun, family adventure day...complete with to-go food on the way home! Ha! It's the little things, right?

Love to all...only 20 days until Christmas!!! Yay!

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