So, I thought I would do a "10 random things Hunt update" in honor of the day that is upon us.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Lots of love to all,
1.10 inches...that's right 10! I recently cut off 10 inches of my hair and donated it to the "Locks of Love" organization that makes wigs from donated hair for cancer patients undergoing Chemotherapy. I have a friend battling ovarian cancer at the young age of 30. She is being so strong, brave and courageous...and I was inspired to do something for someone in her same shoes. I am so blessed to have good health, and hope that my tiny little donation will bless someone. Such a cool organization, don't ya think?

2. We have all been sickly these last 10 days or so. Todd and I have both been battling allergies, drainage and sore throats....then the girls both got sick this week and are both on antibiotics for 10 days. Mags had a sinus infection and poor Sadie bug had the H-flu (haemopholus influenza). Ugh, I sure hope we have a WELL fall and winter. Sick kiddos is the worst, to me!
3. I love cupcakes!!! I have been learning to bake them and frost them. I have made at least 8 dozen of them in the last month for various birthdays, baby showers and just because. Ha! Also, we have two new little cupcake joints in our town. Such a fun little treat, that just makes me feel happy.
4. On the cupcake note...weight loss...ha! The Hunt house has recently been a little lighter. Before I delivered Sadie, Todd and I had decided that after delivery...we were gonna get healthier. We had been inspired by my Mom, who has lost 55 pounds in the last 9 months. We followed in her footsteps and have declared our home a "low carb" home. We have been eating tons of fruit, veggies, lean meats and salads. We have dropped most sweets, with the exception of a cupcake here and there (snicker out loud...:) ). The modification has worked well for us as Todd has lost almost 25 pounds and I have lost 49 (including my 30 lbs. of preggo weight). Yay for us!!! We are proud of ourselves...this has not been easy because we LOVE to eat!

5. The terrible/difficult 3's & separation anxiety... We have hit a bit of some tough times with our sweet Maggie. She was a doll through the 2's, but the 3's have been more difficult. She has lately seemed so much more whiney, moody and dramatic. She has really been struggling with separation anxiety, too. When I leave for work, even though its just a few times a month...or when I have left her at preschool...the tears come. It is so heartbreaking for me. I hate it when she is so sad and upset. Everyone keeps reassuring me it is a phase, but I sure did like my confident and brave Maggie and hope we see her again soon. In her defense, I know she has had a lot going on in her little life lately. The birth of her sister, her kidney illness and steroid therapy (they are a huge contributor to he moodyness), preschool....etc. I pray for patience and wisdom daily, and could use some extra doses of it lately. Any ideas, suggestions, encouragement...fellow bloggers?
6.Fall Ball---my hot-Toddy is playing fall softball and LOVING it. He would love it so much more if they could just win too...but it is all in the name of fun and fellowship. We are so glad to have some nice weather to go and root on our favorite player in. It is fun to see him play, and I know he is having fun. Games are on Fridays, if any of you ever want to come and watch. :)
7. Scentsy...? Anyone heard of this? It is a flameless candle/fragrance company. I have one in my home and change the fragrances out every few days. I love for my home to smell yummy and have loved my Scentsy warmer. I am thinking of hosting a fall Scentsy party here at my house, November 6th. Anyone think they would want to come?
8. NYC---my precious mom and aunt are going on a super fun, all girls...trip of a lifetime next week. They are making their way to NYC! They will be there for 5 days. They are doing all the NYC typical stuff...subway, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Broadway...etc. To say I am jealous of their a bit of an understatement. I have always wanted to go to NYC...someday, right?
9. Iphone....woohoo, I got one. My cell phone had recently bit the dust, so my hubs decided I could get an Iphone. I love it. It is really awesome. Its like a little computer, gps, calendar and tv all rolled into one. Thanks babe, for getting it for me. :)
10. glad good shows are back on. We are some TV people. Todd and I have several favorite shows that were not on this summer, and we are so glad to have some shows on with some plot. Some of our favorites are Survivor, The Amazing Race, CSI: Miami, NY and Vegas, Chuck, The Office. Todd's faves are...Golf Channels "Big Break" and Hawaii 5-0 and my faves are Vampire Diaries and 90210...I know I am such a "teeney bopper" at heart!
Okay...thats all I can think RaNdOm...I know!