No, no...not the baby...silly! We still have 8-9 weeks left until that happens. Welcome to the family little K-I-T-T-Y!!!!!
Yes, Maggie got a little 7 week old kitten this weekend. He is adorable. We have been thinking about getting another cat for several months now, and finally found the perfect one on Saturday. We had decided that Maggie would love the company (she is a cat lover, like her daddy), and that it would be a special companion during our transition when Miss Sadie arrives in June.
We adopted him from Petco on Saturday. He is a Siamese/domestic short hair mix. He is super tiny, and has the most beautiful blue eyes. His still a bit undecided. But narrowed down to either Ace or Blue (for the obvious eye color). We have had a fun weekend, playing with him and cuddling him. He is the perfect blend of playful and yet loves to be held.
Maggie and he are best pals. He has had a few tea parties with her, read some books, been carried around in her her grocery basket and stroller, slept in her lap and played with his fuzzy mice toys and balls until he literally...couldn't play anymore!
We are thrilled with our choice and hope he will be a sweet addition to our family for years to come!
In case you were wondering...we are now CLOSED for any other adopting of animals. My...I mean...our quota has been met! 2 dogs, and 2 cats is ENOUGH for me...I mean us! Ha!
Love to all & have a blessed week!
She is so excited to have him...isn't he cute? He has beautiful Siamese markings with the dark tipped ears, nose, feet and tail.

She does really well being careful with him, holding him right and being content to just sit and be still with him. We think this is a huge thing...since she is only 2....well almost 3...sniffle, sniffle!

All smiles!
Check out those blue eyes!